The deadline for travel grant applications will be strictly adhered to, to ensure a fair system is open to all members. All Grants are assessed by an independent committee selected by APEG Council.
APEG Travel Grants will be open to all financial APEG members, who are within 5 years of completing their FRACP (or equivalent), who are either Australian or NZ citizens or who have been a resident in Australia for one or more years at the time of the ASM and have submitted an abstract which has been accepted (to the ASM). Travel grants are not open to those persons who are only attending the Fellows Meeting.
Salaried consultants are not eligible for a grant.
Your head of department will be contacted to check your eligibility for the grant.
Please indicate when you submit your abstract if you would like to apply for a travel grant and an APEG representative will be in contact closer to the conference date to confirm if your request was approved and to advise of the value of the grant awarded.
An allotment of money is put aside each year for travel grants. This is then shared amongst those who apply and fulfil the criteria. Therefore, there are no funds available for late applications.
You must indicate your application for the travel grant at the time of submitting your abstract. You must also declare any other requests for funding you have received, or applied for.
The amount offered will be $1000.00 per person + a complimentary registration to the full event (Sunday 14 – Wednesday 17 August)
To apply for the Allied Health Travel Grant you must be:
* A financial member of APEG (membership to be applied for and confirmed before application can be made)
* A registered nurse or allied health professional working with children and adolescents with diabetes or endocrine disorders.
Please note that those who have submitted an abstract for/are presenting at the Conference will be given preference for the Grant.
CLICK HERE to submit your application for the Allied Health Grant. (please note, if you have already created an account in the database for abstract submission or registration, use these details to login.)