General Workshop Information

Fundamentals of Paediatric Clinical Hypnosis (Introductory) Workshop:

This workshop is for clinicians who have NOT YET completed a pediatric-specific hypnosis training (20+ hours)

  • Foundation skill-building in hypnosis as therapeutic communication and adjunctive intervention for children/teens with clinical conditions.
  • Clinical focus: hypnosis adjunctive management of pain, anxiety, fear, and sleep issues for children and teens at different developmental stages.
  • State-of-the-art presentations include instructional videos (faculty cases) and case vignettes
  • Experiential learning is a critical focus: Over half of total workshop time is spent in very small group practice
    (6:1 trainee: faculty ratio) and large group exercises focused on the structure and elements of clinical hypnosis with children/teens, using therapeutic language, explaining hypnosis to parents and children, delivering goal-directed hypnotic suggestions, and the use of self-hypnosis.

Utilisation and Expanded Clinical Applications Workshop:

NOTE:  Participants must have completed a Fundamentals all paediatric-specific hypnosis training workshop (20+ hours), and are using clinical hypnosis with paediatric patients on a frequent basis. 

A Prior Learning/Needs Assessment application is required & reviewed prior to acceptance for this workshop. 

This is NOT a beginning level course.

  • Workshop emphasises experiential learning how to set personalised hypnosis GOALS and create goal-driven SUGGESTIONS!
  • Learn how to incorporate Ericksonian Utilisation principles in your hypnosis approach.
  • Refine and expand existing hypnosis skills and develop individualised hypnotic treatment approaches for your patients.
  • Faculty videos and case vignettes are integral throughout workshop.
  • Supervised exercises: Augment your confidence and utilisation skills (conversational invitations, pacing & leading, constructing goal-driven suggestions, talking in trance, self-regulation strategies, and other person-centered strategies) within thoughtfully clustered small groups (with high faculty to trainee ratios)

All workshops will only proceed with minimum numbers achieved.

Copyright 2023    National Pediatric Hypnosis Training Institute  ~ All Rights Reserved


From the 2023 NPHTI Australia Workshops