Saturday 4th May 2024 

WHERE: Rendezvous Hotel, Melbourne. Following on from TAPNA Scientific Meeting 1-3 May 2024
WHEN:  Saturday 4 May 2024
COST: $150 per person

Maree Connor, Dave Fitzgerald, Ben Learmont, Celia Hall, and Laura Layton
A team of expert critical care Registered Nurses, Clinical Nurse Specialists and Clinical Nurse Consultants from across Australia including NSW, QLD and VIC. All are currently actively involved in clinical practice within ED/Critical care environments attached to inpatient Toxicology services. 

By the end of this workshop, participants will have had the opportunity to:

    1. Identifying the priorities of managing a patient who presents with a toxicology emergency
    2. Apply understanding of Common Toxidromes and their management
    3. Demonstrate understanding of assessment and management for patients with paracetamol poisoning
    4.  Explain the emergency and nursing management of envenomation
    5. Identify the importance of, and feel confident in violence prevention and verbal de-escalation
    6. Demonstrate an understanding different legal requirements and duty of care when caring for the agitated patient.


  • Generic approach to managing the poisoned patient (including risk assessment and decontamination)
  • Common Toxidromes; assessment and management
  • Paracetamol Poisoning; it has many faces
  • Snake bite and envenomation
  • Approaching, assessing and caring for substance intoxication, agitated patients in the ED (double session, interactive)

2024 Toxicology Nursing Workshop
Welcome and introductions
0815 Managing the poisoned patient w/ risk assessment & decontamination
0900 Common Toxidromes assessment and management
1000 Morning tea
1045 Paracetamol Poisoning: It has many faces
1145 Snakebite and envenomation
1230 Lunch
1345 Approaching, assessing and caring for the substance intoxicated, agitated patient in the ED
part 2 as an interactive session
1600 Evaluation and Questions
1610 Networking

If you are planning on attending the conference please register via the REGISTRATION PAGE of the website.
If you only plan to attend this workshop, please register below.


TAPNA Conference Secretariat 

PO Box 55, Wyong NSW 2259


+61 2 4319 8519