Educational Objectives

At the completion of the Utilisation & Expanded Clinical Applications Hypnosis Skills Workshop, learners will be able to:

  • Refine therapeutic language skills to be used during hypnosis sessions
  • Identify individualised and specific hypnosis goals and design and deliver goal-driven suggestions
  • Utilise a patient’s resources and needs when designing an individualised treatment plan
  • Apply hypnotic utilisation techniques: conversational invitations, pacing & leading, talking in trance, fractionation, reframing, and age progression & regression
  • Apply hypnosis strategies to more complex and mental health issues (such as anxiety disorders, stress, fears, palliative care, pain, respiratory, gastro-intestinal symptoms)
  • Incorporate hypnotic self-regulation strategies during hypnosis sessions

    DAY 1
    07.30 Registration
    08.00 Introduction - Course Overview & Faculty Introductions
    08.30 Refining Utilization of Language: Why and How To Say What We Say, Pacing and Leading
    09.25 Introduction to Small Groups
    #1 Demo:  Conversational Invitation, Pacing and Leading
    10.15 Morning Tea
    10.35 #1 Small Group Practice:  Conversational Invitation, Pacing and Leading
    12.00 Lunch
    13.00 Utilizing Unfolding Development: Abstract Thinking, Metaphors, & Self-Regulation
    13.50Planning a Hypnosis Session: Creating Targeted Suggestions
    14.30 Afternoon Tea
    14.45 Planning a Hypnosis Session: Post-Hypnotic Suggestions
    #2 Demo: Designing and Delivering Suggestions
    15.40 #2 Small Group Practice:  Conversational Induction & Designing & Delivering Suggestions
    17.30 Networking/Social Hour

    DAY 2
    07.30 Arrival
    08.00 Anxiety & Fears: Goals & Suggestions for Self Regulation
    09.00#3 Demo: Suggestions for Self-Regulation of Anxiety & Fear
    09.15 Morning Tea
    9.50#3 Small Group Practice: Suggestions for Self Regulation of Anxiety & Fear
    11.45 Lunch
    12.30 Hypnosis Addressing Acute & Procedural Pain
    13.15 Panel Discussion: Integrating Conversational Hypnosis into Clinical Encounters - Bring Your Questions!
    14.00 Afternoon Tea
    14.20 Metaphors & The Pain Switch for Changing Sensation
    15.25#4  Demo:  Suggestions for Changing Sensation
    15.40#4 Small Group Practice:  Suggestions for Changing Sensation
    17.00 End of Day

    DAY 3
    07.30 Arrival
    08.00 #5 Demo: Talking in Trance & Ideomotor Signals
    09.00 #5 Small Group Practice: Formal Induction & Talking in Trance & Using Ideomotor Signals
    09.45Morning Tea
    10.05 Mini-Intensives:  Pick one of the following:
    A) Hypnosis & Perioperative Preparation: Increasing Comfort & Promoting Healing
    B) Addressing Children's Imaginative Worries Bedtime: The Boogie Man, Noises in the Dark & What If's
    C) Walking the Tight-rope: Finding the Right Balance with Parents
    11.35 Lunch
    13.20 Mini-Intensives:  Pick one of the following:
    D) Fear, Worry & Anxiety: Design Personalized Hypnotic Metaphors for Self-Regulation & Resilience
    E) Navigating the Complexity of Complex Pain with Hypnosis: Pacing & Permission
    14.10 Afternoon Tea
    14.25 Open Forum - Questions for Faculty
    Building, Using and Maintaining Hypnosis
    15.35 Continued Learning & Resources beyond tomorrow: NPHTI, Ongoing Education & Organisations
    16.00 Special Closure: All Faculty Group Hypnosis with Participants
    17.30 End of Day

    The workshop will only proceed with minimum numbers achieved.

    Program is sample program only and and subject to change.

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