Educational Objectives

At the completion of the Fundamentals Workshop, learners should be better able to:

  • List the stages of hypnosis
  • Describe hypnosis as a process of therapeutic communication
  • Describe three pediatric hypnosis “invitation” methods
  • Demonstrate three appropriate “invitation” techniques
  • Describe methods for intensification of and re-alerting from hypnosis
  • Outline applications for pediatric hypnosis
  • Describe and demonstrate the use of hypnosis for pain control for procedures and for chronic, recurrent pain
  • Describe and demonstrate how to teach a child/parent the skill of self-hypnosis and how to practice it regularly
  • Describe and demonstrate a hypno-therapeutic approach for sleep onset insomnia/anxiety and for circadian rhythm disorders in teens
  • Outline a strategy for getting started using hypnosis in clinical practice
  • Using therapeutic language, design a hypnotic suggestion for children and teens with clinical anxiety

    DAY 1
    07.30 Registration
    08.00 Introduction - Course Overview & Faculty Introductions
    08.30 Hypnosis Definitions/Theories/Myths 
    09.25 Hypnosis Structure and Elements
    10.15 Morning Tea
    10.35 Hypnosis: The Many Right Ways
    11.15 #1 Demo: Invitation, Special Place (Dissociation), Intensification, Multisensory Imagery
    11.35 Overview: Format for Small Groups
    11.45 Lunch
    12.45 #1 Small Group Practice: Invitation, Special Place (Dissociation), Intensification, Multisensory Imagery, Reorient, Debrief
    14.25 Afternoon Tea
    14.45 Paediatric Hypnosis: Developmental Considerations
    #2 Demo: Invitation, The Breath, Intensification, Muscle Relaxation
    15.40 #2 Small Group Practice: Invitation, The Breath, Intensification, Muscle Relaxation, Reorient, Debrief
    17.30 Networking/Social Hour

    DAY 2
    07.30 Arrival
    08.00 Formulating Suggestions: Language & Utilisation / Communication Techniques
    09.00#3 Demo: Invitation, Magnet Fingers, Intensification, Utilisation, Give Suggestions
    09.15 Morning Tea
    09.35#3 Small Group Practice: Invitation, Magnet Fingers, Intensification, Utilisation, Incorperate Language & Suggestions, Reorient, Debrief
    10.55#4 Demo: Explaining Hypnosis to Child & Parents with Video & Group Experience
    11.45 Lunch
    12.40 #4 Group Practice Panel: Process in Practice: Using Hypnosis in Clinic
    13.30 Hypnosis as Self-Regulation for Anxiety
    14.20 Choosing Goals & Targeted Suggestions for Hynosis for Anxiety & Pain
    15.00 #5 Demo: Invitation & Intensification (Learners' Choice), Targeted Suggestions
    15.15 Afternoon Tea
    15.35 #5 Small Group Practice: Invitation & Intensification (Learners' Choice), Targeted Suggestions, Reorient, Debrief
    17.00 End of Day

    DAY 3
    07.30 Arrival
    08.00 Hypnosis: Metaphors to Alter Pain Sensations
    09.00 #6 Demo: Magic Glove Technique
    09.20Morning Tea
    09.35 #6 Small Group Practice: Magic Glove Technique
    10.35Self-Hypnosis (SH): Doing & Teaching
    10.55 #7 Demo & Practice: Self-Hypnosis Large Group Experience
    11.05 #8 Demo: Putting it all Together Efficiently
    11.15 #8 Small Group Practice: Putting it all Together Efficiently
    12.15 Lunch
    13.20 Planning Hypnosis Goals & Suggestions: Self-Regulation for Sleep
    14.10 Afternoon Tea
    14.25 Breakout Groups: (Participant's Choice)
    1. Anxiety
    2. Pain
    3. Primary Care
    4. Chronic & Functional Conditions
    15.35 Continued Learning & Resources beyond Monday: NPHTI, Ongoing Education & Organisations
    16.00 Special Closure: All Faculty Group Hypnosis with Participants
    17.30 End of Day

    The workshop will only proceed with minimum numbers achieved.

    Program is sample program only and subject to change.

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