meet the facilitators

Dr Sarah Dalton has a clinical background as a Paediatric Emergency Physician, and a long history of medical leadership roles including previous President of the Paediatric and Child Health Division of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians. 

Sarah has worked in different clinical and managerial roles across NSW over the last 25 years, including several executive leadership roles within NSW Health. Sarah has completed a Fulbright Scholarship in Clinical Leadership and is an experienced executive coach and facilitator who primarily works with healthcare leaders.

Dr Susannah Ward is a Specialist Physician of Rehabilitation Medicine in Newcastle, NSW. She is the Chair of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians Member Health & Well-being Committee & Chair of the Well-being Advocates Webinars. She was a College Director on the board & Deputy Chair of the College & Faculty Trainee Committees as a trainee. She is a Director of Mood Active, a charity that supports exercise programs for people with mental illness. She is passionate about holistic health & lifestyle and behavioural & psychological rehabilitation. She incorporates evidence-based wellness tools like mindfulness, psychological tools, nutrition, movement and social/lifestyle prescription into her practice. 

She is a qualified yoga & mindfulness teacher, & founder of Ataraxia Collective, hosting well-being & CPD retreats for doctors. She has a research background, having piloted hospital mindfulness & intern wellness sessions. She has several publications to her name on medical culture change & doctor well-being, & is the author of the self-help book Mastering Real Wellness.

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