megan mayfair

Megan Mayfair is a USA Today bestselling author of romance, cozy mystery and women’s fiction. Her novel, Tangled Vines, won a Romance Writers of Australia Romantic Book of the Year Award (RuBY) and her medical-inspired romance, Under the Spotlight, was awarded a Romance Writers of New Zealand Koru of Excellence Award. 

Megan lives in Melbourne with her husband and three children, is a PR professional and loves coffee, yoga and searching for the perfect shade of red lipstick.  


All-time favourite book?
Current favourite book?
Favourite tropes?
Favourite movies?
Favourite TV shows?
Random fact about Megan:

Ballroom 4 | 2.15pm - 3.45pm


Despite a leaner word count, a well-crafted novella can pack a punch for readers with fast-paced action, high-stakes emotion, memorable characters and sizzling romance. Novellas are an excellent medium to develop and enhance writing style. An engaging novella can also be an effective tool for aspiring authors to dip their toes into publishing waters, help launch a series or build an audience. In this workshop, I’ll cover the key elements of writing a novella, including:
  • Understanding the world length range for novellas
  • Tips for plotting
  • Creating a strong structure
  • Using romance tropes
  • Advice on keeping the pace (no sagging middles!)
  • Developing memorable and lovable characters (and keeping side characters in check when they threaten to steal the show)
  • Editing to make the story shine
  • What to do with your novella once it’s complete, including publishing options, anthologies and marketing options. 
Perfect for aspiring authors, participants will gain information about what a novella is and where it fits in the writing and publishing landscape. They'll also learn practical advice and tips on how to write a novella with confidence and use plotting techniques, character, tropes and editing to support their writing. We'll also look at uses for novellas including the benefits of a novella to a series, publishing options (indie and trad), use in anthologies, competitions and as lead magnets.  

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