anthea bariamis

Anthea Bariamis is an associate publisher at Simon & Schuster Australia. She publishes and edits novels across a range of genres, including romance, contemporary fiction, historical fiction, thrillers and fantasy. 

Anthea is passionate about publishing books that entertain, inspire and stimulate conversation. Anthea is based in Sydney, Australia.

What is Anthea looking for?

What is the minimum word-count your agency takes, or your publishing house requires? 
Single title only (80k and upwards)

What sub-genres or genres are you not looking for?
I'm open to all genres and sub-genres

Is there a genre or sub-genre you’re particularly keen to see?
Really interested in receiving submissions for romantasy, horror, emotional romance and historical fiction

What genre is your personal favourite?
I'm a romance gal through and through!

What is your major turn-off in a book?
Characters that don't feel authentic

What is likely to really knock your socks off besides an engaging voice and well-written book?
Any book that makes me cry or laugh out (or unable to put it down) is a winner for me

Any advice to your potential pitchers?
Know your book and be able to describe it in only a couple of sentences; it's always more impactful to have a short and sharp pitch.
Having comparative titles on hand, too, is really helpful

Get to know Anthea...

All-time favourite book?

Current favourite book?

Favourite tropes?

Favourite movies?

Favourite TV shows?

Random fact about Anthea:

The Bronze Horseman by Paullina Simons, Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë, Saving Francesca by Melina Marchetta -- I can never pick just one!

I recently read Divine Rivals and that stayed with me

Grumpy/sunshine, enemies to lovers, marriage of convenience, small town romance

Pride & Prejudice (2005), Clueless, When Harry Met Sally

Friends, Big Bang Theory

I love to bake and try challenging recipes


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Tel: +61 2 4319 8519
