anjanette fennell

Anjanette is a literary coach and agent who finally found her calling when she combined her passion for writing with her compulsion to help others find + honour their own voice. 

Through her agency, Story As Life Literary, she helps amplify the voices of experienced and debut authors who write stories with heart. 

She particularly loves to champion genre-bending upmarket fiction with strong female characters and evocative settings.

What is Anjanette looking for?

What is the minimum word-count your agency takes, or your publishing house requires? 
Single title only (80k and upwards)

What sub-genres or genres are you not looking for?
Elements of these genres are welcome (encouraged!), but no strict SFF in content of length

Is there a genre or sub-genre you’re particularly keen to see?
I love anything with strong, believable characters and great pace - would love to see thrillers (of all kinds) with lots of heart and/or a bit of heat

What genre is your personal favourite?
Upmarket fiction with lots of light and shade

What is your major turn-off in a book?
Knowing the role each character will play in the plot the second they are introduced. Give me nuance!

What is likely to really knock your socks off besides an engaging voice and well-written book?
Strong, relatable female characters and setting as an integral part of the story

Any advice to your potential pitchers?
Really refine your hook - bring out your unique approach to the universal theme!

Get to know Anjanette...

All-time favourite book?

Current favourite book?

Favourite tropes?

Favourite movies?

Favourite TV shows?

Random fact about Anjanette:

I can't choose!!

The Last Love Note by Emma Grey

Fish out of water, Friends to lovers

True Romance, When Harry Met Sally, The Proposal

Ted Lasso, Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist

I've lived in 4 countries, 5 states and had more than 3 dozen addresses in my life (so far!)


rwa conference secretariat

Tel: +61 2 4319 8519
