Kelly Hunter

Kelly Hunter is an award-winning USA Today bestselling author and a former President of Romance Writers of Australia. 

She came to editing from the author side of things and for the past ten years has been the editorial director for Tule Publishing’s Holiday imprint. 

Check out more on Kelly via her WEBSITE!


In Person

What is the minimum word-count your agency takes, or your publishing house requires? 
For our women’s fiction, longer contemporary romance, and cozy mystery stories, we like 80K or thereabouts. We can be a little flexible here.
For our shorter contemporary romances, we’re in the 50-60K range.
We’re not looking for novellas or shorts.

What sub-genres or genres are you not looking for?
Erotica, fantasy, horror, literary fiction. We rarely take previously published stories (even if you can find the occasional offering within Tule’s backlist).

Is there a genre or sub-genre you’re particularly keen to see?
I’m ever on the lookout for category-length rural romance, cowboy romance and western romance. These are firmly in Tule’s wheelhouse—our readers love a supportive small-town community vibe and stories with plenty of heart.
What else? Women’s fiction, longer-length contemporary romance, cozy mysteries, police procedurals, Aus-set rural mysteries.

What genre is your personal favourite?
No matter what the word count, contemporary romance holds my heart.

What is your major turn-off in a book?
Weathervane characters whose motives, actions, and feelings change from scene to scene. They don’t seem to have solid, sustainable values and cores.

What is likely to really knock your socks off besides an engaging voice and well-written book?
The ability to write quickly and to deadline. Endless (okay, substantial) enthusiasm for author promotion and career building. An online author platform in progress.

Any advice to your potential pitchers?
Relax. Give it a go—even if you don’t get a yes, you’ll learn plenty about your story and the market. Also, it’s only one opinion.