PACS by SPANZA (Paediatric Anaesthesia CME Series)
The Paediatric Anaesthesia CME Series will be an online education series that runs at 7pm (NSW time) on the below Tuesday nights.
The sessions will run for approximately 90 minutes and will consist of 2 pre-recorded talks and then a discussion with some senior members and experts.
Registration is open to everyone with the focus being on the occasional paediatric anaesthetist. Your registration will allow you to attend all 7 sessions and have access to all recordings from the sessions.
Program is outlined below. If you would like to download a PDF version of the program, please CLICK HERE
SPANZA Member: Free
Non Member: A$315 for the whole series
Registration is suitable for the occasional paediatric anaesthetist and other staff (nursing/technical) wanting to upgrade their knowledge of current paediatric anaesthetic management.
Please note that this event is being managed as agent for and on behalf of the Society of Paediatric Anaesthetists in Australia and New Zealand, Inc (ABN 44 639 760 994) (“SPANZA”) by Will Organise Pty Ltd (ABN 84 606 495 381). The information you provide when you submit your personal information to us will be collected by Will Organise Pty Ltd and will be shared with SPANZA and other participants in the event, as set in our privacy collection statements & privacy policy contained on this site.
PACS by SPANZA Secretariat
PO Box 55, Wyong
NSW 2259 Australia