1st - 3rd NOVEMBER 2024



The ANZSPED Clinical Fellows' School is a 2 day workshop, held annually in conjunction with the ANZSPED Annual Scientific Meeting. The Clinical School is designed to assist Paediatric Endocrine Fellows develop their clinical and patient management skills, with the emphasis of the subject matter on topics that specifically relate to sub-specialty training. The format of the Clinical School also provides a unique opportunity to establish a formal Fellows support network. In 2024, ANZSPED will be holding the meeting  at the Rex Hotel In Canberra, ACT. 

Registration, as well as 2 nights twin share accommodation is covered by the meeting for Fellows. These nights will be Friday 1st and Saturday 2nd November 2024. 


Dr Paul Benitez-Aguirre, New South Wales (Convenor)
Dr John Welch, Victoria  
Dr Mary Abraham, Perth


Dr Paul Thornton, Texas, USA
Dr Uma Visser, Canberra, ACT
Dr Catherine Choong, Perth, WA



On completion of this workshop, attendees should be able to;  

  • Identify the pathogenesis and determine the appropriate treatment path for various endocrine disorders
  • Identify relevance of clinical literature in paediatric endocrinology


Attending Fellows must be in a core or non-core endocrine training position and must be a member or have applied for membership of the Australia and New Zealand Society for Paediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes (ANZSPED). Attending Fellows need to submit a letter of approval from the Head of Department and a CV as well as advising the number of previous ANZSPED Fellows' Schools attended and the number of times you have presented at a Fellows' School (attending Fellows are allowed to attend a maximum of 4 Fellows' Schools) as well as clarifying your Paediatric Endocrine training level.  

Participants will be required to choose from a selected range of topics from the list provided. From these topics, Fellows are required to compile a one paragraph summary for three different case studies (one for each topic) and submit online via the link on the application tab.

Fellows will then be advised if they have been selected to present one case study, chosen by the Faculty to be the most relevant to the meeting. Due to increasing numbers of applicants, preference of place will be given to people training in Paediatric Endocrinology and those who have to date presented less than twice.  

Participants will be required to attend all sessions and social functions as part of the Fellows' School program. Should participating Fellows not be able to attend a social function, they will be personally liable for the cost. 

Applications are now open - please click here to read the submission guidelines and click here for the application page.


This Clinical School has been endorsed by ANZSPED. For further information please contact the ANZSPED Fellows' School Secretariat using the details below.


Please note that this event is being managed as agent for and on behalf of Australia and New Zealand Society for Paediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes, Inc (ABN 99 310 426 516) (“ANZSPED”) by Will Organise Pty Ltd (ABN 84 606 495 381). The information you provide when you submit your personal information to us will be collected by Will Organise Pty Ltd and will be shared with ANZSPED and other participants in the event,  as set in our privacy collection statementprivacy policy and specific consents contained on this site.


ANZSPED Conference Secretariat

PO Box 55, Wyong NSW 2259 Australia

+61 2 4319 8519